This is only the first draft. I would be grateful for suggestions. I think you may need to download the PDF from the link. Just in case, I copy and paste the text below. Regards,
Gurdjieff’s Paris Meetings 1943,
accident 270
accumulator 162
age 288, 290
aim 74, 78, 104, *207, 212, 229, 232 (and thought), 287-288, 335-336 (task and aim)
alcohol 161
altruism/altruist 121, 254
animal 142, 145, 146
art 134
Ashiata Shiemash 264
associations 78, 82, 169 (not you), 179, 289
assimilate the result 42, 43
attention 142
auto-suggestion 150, 315-316
Beelzebub 84, 105, 119, 133-134 144, 153, 160, 175, 180, 194, 213, 226, *233, 237, 244, 259, 272, 287, 301, 306, 311, 322, 324, 332, 334
belief 155
bicarbonate 342
blood 163, 168, 320-321
body 47-48, 52, 80
breathing 296
Catholicism 107, 279
charity 4
children 51, 115, 122, 204, 228, 254
compassion 6
concentration 140, 149, 180
conscience 181
conscious labours 157-158
crying 142
crystallisation 13, 104, 245, 317
debts 181
devil 104, 244 (Gurdjieff plays the d.), 271-272, *338
discipline 150
distinguishing thinking, feeling, and sensing 232
dog 104
eating 235
education 88, 296, 301
egotist 197 (but notwith parents), 254, 307-308, 314
electricity 148
example 336
excrement 34
exercise(s) 4, 6, 7, 8 (and prayer), 10, 38 (leading to meditation), 42 (assimilate the result), 135, 245, 338-339 (prepare first), 356 (“gymnastics”)
specific exercises
arms out 243, 340, 356
breathing 44, 75, 138, 138-139 (into solar plexus and legs), 161-162, 327
counting 229
deceased (photograph and prayer) 211
emanations 45
for feeling 275
gathering force 75
“I Am” 39, 40, 46, 49, 81, 86-87, 89, 92-94, 138, 161-162, 179, 289, 298
“Lord Have Mercy” 48, 51
the preparation 74
separation 130, 246
tensing 228
“very original exercise” 101-102
visualizing 46, 218-219, 234-235, 251, 266-267, 276-277, 282-283, 285, 297 (sending energy), 300, 307, 328
experience 301
factors (heredity, education, sins, present life) 88, 296
faith 4
fate 67
fear 293
God 98, 107, 157, 168, 206 (unique idiot), 252
hand wash hand 321
hate 174
head 176, 193
healing 293
heredity 88, 296
hope 4, 6
husband 125
hysteria 202
“I” 177, 187, *289
“I’s” 244
“I Am” 39, 40, 46, 49, 81, 86-87, 89, 92-94, *115 (vibration), 138, 161-162, 179, 198, 289-290, 298, 337
“I” and “me” 94, 117, 130, 246, 248, 324
ideal 16, 153, *353-354
idiots 205-206
identification 314
imagination (conscious) 47
impartiality 194
impulses 53
instinct 62-63, 77
intellect 324
intelligent 99
intentional suffering 157-158
Keschapmartnian beings 28
knowledge and logic 12
kundalini 52
life 231
Life Is Real 139, 156, 169
love 6, 174, 236-237, 280-281
man 95, 199 (three persons)
means 42
meditate/meditation 38
Meetings with Remarkable Men 103, 185, 253, 266
methods (Gurdjieff’s) 55
“mi” (octave) 24
monk 196
muscles (and relaxation) 222-226, 243, 267-268, 292, 318, 338-339
nature 121
nature and obstacles 317-318
negative emotions 77
nothingness 46, 156, 288
parasite 110, 164, 214
parents/parenting 168, 181
payment 340
philology 323
pills and exercises 317
pity 88
polarity 266
pray/prayer 8, 48, 49, 211 (for the deceased), 278-280, *353-354
preparation/preparing 144, 152, 173 (special state), 187, 317-318
prescription 294
programme 66-67, 230, 256, *317-318
Programme of the Institute 332
psyche 271
punish (yourself) 212, 217, 256
quantity/quality 330
questions 202 (please do not say ‘we’), 261, 325-326 (with presence), 333-334
relaxation 222-226, 243, 267-268, 292, 318, 338-339
remorse 52, 96, 136-137, *141, 181, 215, 242, 286, 290, 298 (head), 314-315, 324, 329
repair(ing) the past 37, 72 (parents), 103, 125 (wife), 181, 275-276, 328-329
results 103, 104, 171, 227, 303, 319
role 65, 69, *140, 165-166, 187, *295, 324
de Salzmann 246, 329, 335
satisfaction 91
second body 220
self-love 354-355
sensation 347
servant/service 13, 103, 138
sex 34-35, 54, 236
siblings 309, 314, 322
sincerity, spontaneity 11, 24
sleeping 148-152, 331
smoking 120, 133, 183
speaking 155, 169, 177, 291, 341
stomach 76, 118, 242
strength 293
struggle 228, 245, 255, 305
Struggle of the Magicians 115, 205, 218, 238
substance 159, 269
suffer/suffering 288
suggestion 150
(conscious) task 7
telepathy 59
tempo 143, 196, 323, 347
Theosophy 270
thought *232
three-centred work 262-263, 273-274, 351
thrice 167
vampirism 167
vanity 45, 153 (truth), 244-246
vibration 115
weakness 97
wife and children 320-321
will 324
WWII 263, 278
Work 231
working with others 5-6
(another) world 98
Thank you — your index is very useful.
Thank you.