When you order in this book, please ensure you are ordering in the third edition, published only a few days ago. I checked on Amazon in Australia, it does not have this edition yet. It is important not least because it has the critical transcripts of a meeting from 1941 and one from 1946. These meetings were apparently made available because of their importance. But there must be more transcripts.
Book Studio are to be commended for their devotion to publish this material. When I contributed “In Appreciation” to Gurdjieff’s Early Talks, I wrote: “… the ability of the Gurdjieff Work to continue in the direct line initiated by Gurdjieff himself absolutely and necessarily depends upon the full and complete transmission of that legacy.” (xix) At the time I did not realise how true that is. I would not say with confidence that the Gurdjieff work can, and is in certain places proceeding on an authentic trajectory. It is the fortunate discovery of some of that unpublished material which has ensured this beyond any doubt.
Thank you for this valuable translation.
Is it possible to show where the original source material in French may be found (for French speakers).
Yes, I have mentioned this – I have posts on the French editions.
Thanks for providing news on this new edition of the wartime meetings. I only wish “Book Studio” would identify itself and provide a thorough introduction explaining the source of these meetings, the translators, and the editors’ criteria and rules for editing and publishing. As the publication is, one has little sense of accuracy or authenticity. An annotated, documented text is crucial if the materials are to be taken seriously.
Hi Joseph, thankyou for your ongoing efforts in preserving these Notes.
I looked back through your posts re:
1. G.I. Gurdjieff Paris Meetings 1943 (Dolmen Meadows) https://www.josephazize.com/2017/12/11/g-i-gurdjieff-paris-meetings-1943/ ; and
2. Meetings with G.I. Gurdjieff in Paris 1944 (Translated by Couture). https://www.josephazize.com/2020/11/10/the-paris-groups-1944/
I note from your Suggested Reading post 6 August 2024 that you recommend the above two books and the Book studio transcripts. However, it remains unclear to me if any/some of the notes from the two separate 1943 and 1944 editions are included in the Book Studio Third edition of Transcripts of Gurdjieff’s Wartime Meetings 1941-1946?
Are these transcripts all from the same De Salzman Group Paris meetings and just arising from different sources of note taking?
Your 2020 post mentions the 1944 french book was “Tome II” and “The French 1943 transcripts have also been published, in a companion volume”. The 1944 version was then made available in English. Is the 1943 “Tome I”the french notes the Domen Meadows edition is based on?
My motive is that having none of these books, I am wondering which I should obtain first to provide the best insight into/overview of the teaching during this period.?
Can you please clarify/link me to any post that clarifies?
I believe all the available 1943/4 transcripts are in it. There weren’t really “de Salzmann” transcripts. Yes, the DM are translations of those books. Clearly the new Book Studio edition will be the best single-volume.
Hi, the DM 1943 is not exactly a translation of Tome1:
“The English edition of G.I. Gurdjieff Paris Meetings 1943, published by Dolmen press in 2017, is a translation of the original French notes taken during meeting in Gurdjieff’s Paris apartment. A French edition of the notes was not published until 2020. During the research for the French edition, it became evident that several passages in the original notes had been unclear or ambiguous; other versions of the notes were discovered often with handwritten corrections and modifications made by Jeanne de Salzmann; and the notes taken at a meeting in 1944 were erroneously included. Consequently, the 2017 English edition differs significantly from the 2020 French edition.”
Publishers note.
Yes, I have spotted a few anomalies. The people from Book Studio are more careful than those responsible whether in Paris or at DM. What they did to Tchechovitch’s memoirs is seriously wrong – and indefensible – DM knew that the English was jazzed up in one place.