1. Thanks for all these comments. I am revising the final draft right now. I feel confidence in it, not because of myself but because of what is being passed on from Gurdjieff and Bennett.

      1. Did the following from JGB’s book “The Way to be Free” (Samuel Wiser 1980 edition p34) get into the book in some way? The quote is “You must always remember the principle of beginning with what is commensurate with your powers. Gurdjieff always said
        that people try to do what is too big for them and they neglect to do what is within their powers….People neglect the things that it would be possible for them to do.” Anthony Blake in an interview on YouTube relates a time very early on for him at Coombe Springs when he stopped Mr Bennett on the way across the grounds on the way to lunch or some meeting and ask him, “What is original sin?” The answer was along the lines of the quoted lines above. I don’t remember exactly but the words were something like: We try to do what we can’t do and neglect to do what we can do. And thank you for undertaking the huge task of writing this book on J G Bennett.

        1. The second quote, the one from Anthony Blake, is at p.178. What is more, I put it in context. I did not quote the second: my book is not a Bennett anthology, it is above all a study of the twenty-four visions in Witness, with an attempt to discuss their practical value. In many ways, this book is a more accessible sequel to Gurdjieff: Mysticism, Contemplation, and Exercises, where possible relating the visions to the exercises. Along the way, I point people to Bennett’s books and his unfolding quest for being-wisdom.

  1. I see that the Bennett book was just released at Amazon in the US but it won’t ship to Canada. How can I get it in Canada? Is there a release date for Amazon.ca? Congratulations Joseph!
    I want a few copies.

    1. I hadn’t realised that. I will see what can be done, but I am sure Monkfish are going as fast as they responsibly can. I will onyl add that as I have looked over the book, the more I am certain of its great value – not because of me but because of what Gurdjieff and Bennett discovered.

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