A.G.E. Blake’s reading of the Third Series is now available at Audiobooks: https://www.audible.com.au/pd/Life-Is-Real-Only-Then-When-I-Am-Audiobook/B0B4RPXCQ8?ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_&pf_rd_p=74d71ce1-f90f-405f-b4c3-d38cdc1d6ae4&pf_rd_r=TMGFWDGN0Q4T9TDE3XRP
Because I am a friend of his, and am much indebted to him in several ways, I am rather hesitant to add to what I have written in the past about Blake’s readings. However, this reading is up to the same high standards, and may even exceed them. Highly recommended.
Anthony Blake reading “The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution” on Audible